Thursday, July 07, 2016

Job well done!

Here's a nice surprise! Our book is the first to have been reviewed in the LGBTQ category of the American Academy of Religion's new book review site Reading Religion! It's rather a nice review, too, if I say so myself. It's not our first review, and not the first positive one. I'm gratified that, as in last year's JRC review, a careful reader found in the book exactly the transgressive tensions we structured the book to generate!

Despite (or, perhaps, because of) the intrinsic anxiety over what counts as “queer” or as “Christian” emanating from every page of the volume, 
Queer Christianities will make a fine teaching tool for colleges and seminaries. I can imagine structuring an entire course in religion and sexuality around the themes and problems that the book examines. And if the language, definitional imprecision, or the subject matter of the essays disturb the readers’ sense of certainty on the subject, then we will know that Queer Christianities has, indeed, done its job.

It's also really nice to have someone appreciate the work we put into making our volume teachable. Can you build a whole course around it? Be our guest!!