Monday, January 25, 2010

New semester

A new semester of classes started today. My conversation partners for the semester's adventures are thirty-two "Religion & Theater" students, mostly actors; my colleague C, which whom I'm team- teaching that class; and ten students, mostly religious studies majors or minors, for a seminar on "The Book of Job." Fun and more fun!

C and I have taught "Religion & Theater" once before (as you might

recall), in Fall 2007, and a very different course on Job was one of my first at this school, in the Fall of 2002.

As actors will be the first to tell you, it's always interesting to do something a second time. This year's "R&T" is slimmer - fewer plays, more time to circle them with more explicit religious themes; we're also taking advantage of the Spring to have students experience Purim and Palm Sunday. As for "Job," well, we're writing a book!